Development teams transitioning to distributed source control with Git often experience friction when initially adopting the tool. Often, the root cause is related to issues surrounding culture and practices as opposed to a technical learning curve. In this course, Kevin Bowersox covers collaboration strategies for teams using Git, discussing tools and techniques that can help you and your team circumvent the challenges that hinder the delivery of high-quality software. Kevin shares best practices and tips that can help you avoid common pitfalls that often cause teams to veer off track. Learn branching strategies, how to build a continuous integration pipeline, and more.
Topics include:
- Evaluate the reasons for implementing best practices when working with Git in teams.
- Explain the different user roles when working with Git in teams.
- Assess the impact on team workloads when using a central repository.
- Distinguish between the different stages of the Git Flow standard.
- Describe the different branching strategies in a Git Flow environment.
- Analyze the effect of implementing a CI/CD pipeline to Git with teams.
Deze cursus is enkel beschikbaar in het Engels. Als dit voor u geen probleem vormt, dien dan gerust uw aanvraag in.
This course is in French only. If this is not a problem for you, by all means go ahead and apply.