Trying to choose a tool to perform software testing? The market is a minefield, full of so many choices that it becomes difficult to zero in on the best tool for your unique test environment. This course surveys the most popular software testing tools available, including paid and open-source solutions such as Selenium, Postman, JMeter, and Kali Linux. Instructor Michael Smith—an experienced tester and software architect—breaks down the tools according to their suitability for each discipline, including API testing, security testing, load testing, and more. He also covers tools for lifecycle management and test planning, and dives into areas beyond the traditional software testing role, including unit and infrastructure testing. This review helps you narrow down your choices and understand the pros and cons of each platform, so you can make the right additions to your testing toolkit.

Topics include:
  • Lifecycle management
  • Test planning tools
  • Test automation frameworks
  • API testing tools
  • Vulnerability scanners
  • Load testing with JMeter and more
  • Beyond QA: Unit testing and infrastructure testing

Ce cours n´est disponible qu´en anglais. Si ce n´est pas un problème pour vous, soumettez votre demande.

As software companies continue to shift towards cloud computing, mobile apps, and microservice architectures, the ability to quickly and effectively test APIs has become a critical skill for software testers. In this course, instructor Dave Westerveld covers the basics of API testing, sharing how to work with several robust tools for testing APIs at scale in an organization. After providing a primer on web services and important API terminology, Dave shows how to use Postman for some basic API exploration. He then goes over some basic approaches and methodologies used in testing GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests; shows how to approach performance testing using SoapUI, a popular automated API testing tool; and more.

Topics include:
  • Reviewing API terminology
  • Mitigating risks related to testing APIs
  • Mapping out the layout of an API
  • API authorization and authentication
  • Finding and using bearer tokens
  • Testing GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE calls
  • Using mocks, stubs, and fakes in API testing
  • Testing microservices and the Internet of Things

Ce cours n´est disponible qu´en anglais. Si ce n´est pas un problème pour vous, soumettez votre demande.

With industry trends like cloud computing and the Internet of Things, there is a growing need for testers that know and understand API testing tools. One powerful and mature tool used by companies around the world is SoapUI. This course is designed to help you get started with SoapUI and covers the basics of how to use it. Instructor Dave Westerveld explains how to set up your first project, create new tests, perform load and security testing, and make your tests more automated and efficient with scripting. Plus, learn how to integrate SoapUI with Docker-based build pipelines. The training is filled with examples featuring real-world, public APIs so you can see how SoapUI functions in real testing scenarios.

Topics include:
  • Creating your first project in SoapUI
  • Adding request and query parameters
  • Creating test suites
  • Scripting with dynamic properties
  • Running SoapUI from the command line or Docker

Ce cours n´est disponible qu´en anglais. Si ce n´est pas un problème pour vous, soumettez votre demande.

Slow loading times can drive users away from even the most elegant website or application. But how can you pinpoint where your product's performance issues lie? In this course, join Dave Westerveld as he details the fundamentals of performance testing, including when and how to use the different types of tests and tools at your disposal. Discover how to determine what to measure and how to monitor the results of your tests. Explore the different types of performance testing—including load, stress, and scalability tests—and the contexts in which it's appropriate to use each of them. Plus, learn about a broad set of tools and how to pick the right one for the work you need to do.

Topics include:
  • Why do performance testing?
  • Determining what to measure
  • Finding and identifying bottlenecks
  • Using load, stress, endurance, and spike testing
  • Logging and parsing data
  • Load testing and network interception tools

Ce cours n´est disponible qu´en anglais. Si ce n´est pas un problème pour vous, soumettez votre demande.

Make the most of Apache JMeter, the open-source, industry-standard tool for performance testing. This course covers advanced JMeter tips and techniques, designed to help software testers and engineers get even more value from JMeter. Michael Smith, a technology researcher with over 10 years of experience in software testing, shows how to record test scripts to capture actions and replay them through a browser. He also shows how to log in to web applications for testing, generate new login requests from a data source such as a CSV files, and load test APIs . Plus, learn how to perform distributed load testing using a master-server configuration in JMeter. With these tips, you can take your JMeter skills to the next level.

Ce cours n´est disponible qu´en anglais. Si ce n´est pas un problème pour vous, soumettez votre demande.